Karen Marie Stuessi

Pharmacy Technician

  4805 180th St Sw, # F-104, Lynnwood
Washington, 98037-3641

Karen Marie Stuessi is a Pharmacy Technician in Lynnwood, Washington. Patients can reach her at 4805 180th St Sw, # F-104, Lynnwood or contact her on 206-330-6003. Active license number of Karen Marie Stuessi is VA00040457 for Pharmacy Technician in Washington.
Karen Marie Stuessi is a person who works under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist and performs many pharmacy-related functions that do not require the professional judgment of a pharmacist. Pharmacy technicians help pharmacists dispense prescription medication to customers or health professionals. Pharmacy Technicians are also responsible for maintaining patient databases, filling medicines, processing insurance claims, tracking inventory, and filing paperwork.

Complete Profile:
Karen Marie Stuessi speciality, credentials, practice address, contact phone number and fax are as below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for enquiries.
Name: Karen Marie Stuessi
Specialization: Pharmacy Technician
Location:4805 180th St Sw, # F-104, Lynnwood,
Washington, 98037-3641
Professional Identification Codes:
NPI number stands for National Provider Identifier which is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
NPI details of Karen Marie Stuessi are as mentioned below.
NPI Number: 1558346650
NPI Enumeration Date: 12 Dec, 2005
NPI Last Update On: 08 Jul, 2007

Medical Licenses:
Pharmacy Technicians can have one or more medical licenses for different specialities in the same state or different states. Related medical licenses for Karen Marie Stuessi are as mentioned below.
SpecializationLicense NumberStateStatus
Pharmacy Technician VA00040457WashingtonPrimary
Business Mailing Address:
Business mailing address can be used for mailing purpose only, for visiting purpose patients need to refer above mentioned address.
Address: 4805 180th St Sw, # F-104
Lynnwood, Washington
Zip: 98037-3641
Phone Number: 206-330-6003
Fax Number: --
Patients can reach Karen Marie Stuessi at 4805 180th St Sw, # F-104, Lynnwood, Washington or can call on phone at 206-330-6003.

Comments/ Reviews:

*Data of this site is collected from Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and NPPES. Last updated on 09 December, 2024.

Other Pharmacy Technicians in Lynnwood, Washington
Dorothy Mae Weiss
13619 Mukilteo Speedway, C, Lynnwood, WA

Jaesun Lee Dahlke
2902 164th St Sw, Lynnwood, WA

Christopher Hughes
1919 196th St Sw, 48, Lynnwood, WA

Kierstyn Kaminski
2518 196th St Sw, Lynnwood, WA

Rosemarie Regis Ocsan
17633 Highway 99, Lynnwood, WA
425-743-7555    425-745-0808

Ms. Wendy Nelcene Kuppler, PHARMACY TECH A
20516 54th Ave W, Lynnwood, WA