Pharmacies in Fitchburg, Wisconsin

9 Pharmacies found in Fitchburg

Bergmann's Inc

608-273-4490 Pharmacy
2960 Cahill Main Ste 2, Fitchburg, WI 53711-7157


Fitchburg Family Pharmacy

608-886-7117 Long Term Care Pharmacy
3050 Cahill Main Ste 6, Fitchburg, WI 53711-7137
608-886-7117     608-274-3780


Fitchburg Family Pharmacy Llc

608-274-3784 Community/Retail Pharmacy   Medicare
3050 Cahill Main Ste 6, Fitchburg, WI 53711-7137
608-274-3784     608-274-3780


Group Health Cooperative Of South Central Wisconsin

608-661-7220 Clinic Pharmacy
3051 Cahill Main, Fitchburg, WI 53711-7109
608-661-7220     608-661-7216


Hmqc Inc

608-515-5151 Pharmacy
2809 Fish Hatchery Rd, Ste B01, Fitchburg, WI 53713
608-515-5151     608-515-5141


Hy-vee Inc

608-273-5122 Community/Retail Pharmacy   Medicare
2920 Fitchrona Rd, Fitchburg, WI 53719-1802
608-273-5122     608-274-4899


University Of Wisconsin Hospitals And Clinics Authority

608-504-4500 Pharmacy
6041 Basswood Drive, Fitchburg, WI 53719-5102
608-504-4500     608-504-4510


Walgreen Co

608-277-0119 Pharmacy   Medicare
2931 S Fish Hatchery Rd, Fitchburg, WI 53711-6499


Wisconsin Cvs Pharmacy Llc

608-819-1523 Pharmacy   Medicare
6321 Mckee Rd, Fitchburg, WI 53719-5017
608-819-1523     608-819-1533

Type of Pharmacies:
Specialty Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses generally low volume and high cost medicinal preparations to patients who are undergoing intensive therapies for illnesses that are generally chronic, complex and potentially life threatening. Often these therapies require specialized delivery and administration.
Long Term Care Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses medicinal preparations delivered to patients residing within an intermediate or skilled nursing facility, including intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, hospice, assisted living facilities, group homes, and other forms of congregate living arrangements.
Nuclear Pharmacy: A pharmacy dedicated to the compounding and dispensing of radioactive materials for use in nuclear imaging and nuclear medical procedures.