Pharmacies in Ashland, Wisconsin

9 Pharmacies found in Ashland

Ashland Pharmacy Inc

715-682-3123 Pharmacy   Medicare
522 W Main St, Ashland, WI 54806
715-682-3123     715-682-6494


Bad River Band Of Lake Superior Tribe Of Chippewa Indians Wis.

715-682-7133 Indian Health Service/Tribal/Urban Indian Health Pharmacy   Medicare
53585 Nokomis Road, Ashland, WI 54806-4272
715-682-7133     715-685-8810


Cpi Ashland, Llc

715-682-2701 Long Term Care Pharmacy
510 Ellis Ave, Ashland, WI 54806-1632
715-682-2701     715-682-2556


Cpi Ashland, Llc

715-682-2701 Pharmacy
510 Ellis Ave, Ashland, WI 54806-1632
715-682-2701     715-682-5886


J & C Stock Sc

715-682-2701 Pharmacy   Medicare
510 Ellis Ave, Ashland, WI 54806-1632
715-682-2701     715-682-2556


Memorial Medical Center Inc

715-685-5500 Non-Pharmacy Dispensing Site
1615 Maple Ln, Ashland, WI 54806-3610


Shopko Stores Operating Co Llc

715-682-8306 Pharmacy
1800 Lake Shore Dr E, Ashland, WI 54806-2268
715-682-8306     715-682-4004


Wal-mart Stores East Lp

715-682-3660 Pharmacy   Medicare
2500 Lake Shore Dr E, Ashland, WI 54806-2421


Walgreen Co

715-685-0202 Pharmacy   Medicare
110 Lake Shore Dr W, Ashland, WI 54806-1645
715-685-0202     715-685-0208

Type of Pharmacies:
Specialty Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses generally low volume and high cost medicinal preparations to patients who are undergoing intensive therapies for illnesses that are generally chronic, complex and potentially life threatening. Often these therapies require specialized delivery and administration.
Long Term Care Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses medicinal preparations delivered to patients residing within an intermediate or skilled nursing facility, including intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, hospice, assisted living facilities, group homes, and other forms of congregate living arrangements.
Nuclear Pharmacy: A pharmacy dedicated to the compounding and dispensing of radioactive materials for use in nuclear imaging and nuclear medical procedures.