Pharmacies in St Thomas, Virgin Island

14 Pharmacies found in St Thomas

Amdan Incorporated

340-776-1235 Pharmacy
9004 Havensight Shopp Ctr, Suite D Through F, St Thomas, VI 00802-2657
340-776-1235     340-776-1776



340-775-2625 Community/Retail Pharmacy
Paragon Medical Building Suite 101, St Thomas, VI 00802
340-775-2625     340-775-2610


Central Rx Inc

340-774-4033 Community/Retail Pharmacy
7 Charlotte Amalie, Time Center Building, St Thomas, VI 00801
340-774-4033     340-777-5478


Chelsea Drug Store Ltd Redhook

340-776-8300 Community/Retail Pharmacy
6500 Red Hook Plz Ste 102, St Thomas, VI 00802-1306
340-776-8300     340-776-8301


Doctor's Choice Sub Base

340-774-4825 Community/Retail Pharmacy
23 Sub Base, St Thomas, VI 00821
340-774-4825     340-777-8233


Drug Farm Pharmacy

340-776-1880 Pharmacy
9150 Vi Medical Foundation Building, Ste 107b, St Thomas, VI 00802
340-776-1880     340-777-1194


Drug Farm Pharmacy

340-776-7098 Pharmacy
9000 Lockhart Gardens Shopping Center, St Thomas, VI 00802
340-776-7098     340-776-8030


Healthy Living Pharmacy

340-777-3088 Community/Retail Pharmacy
1003 Estate Ross, Nbr 7 Barbel Plaza, St Thomas, VI 00802-4602
340-777-3088     340-777-3080


Home Physician Pharmacy

340-776-3773 Non-Pharmacy Dispensing Site
10 Sixth St, Sugar Estate, St Thomas, VI 00802
340-776-3773     340-776-3773


Inter Island Pharmacies Inc

340-774-8988 Pharmacy
Medical Arts Complex, St Thomas, VI 00801
340-774-8988     340-774-8986


Sunshine Pharmacy Llc

340-774-1551 Pharmacy
9151 Estate Thomas, Foothills Prof Bldg 107/108, St Thomas, VI 00802-2617
340-774-1551     340-774-1517


Tradewinds Pharmacy

340-775-2625 Pharmacy
Paragon Medical Building Suite 101, St Thomas, VI 00802
340-775-2625     340-775-2610


Transform Km Llc

340-777-3847 Pharmacy   Medicare
26-a Tutu Park Mall, 26-a Tutu Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, VI 00802
340-777-3847     847-396-2717


Walgreen Co

340-777-9255 Pharmacy   Medicare
4030 Annas Retreat, St Thomas, VI 00802-2221
340-777-9255     340-777-9262

Type of Pharmacies:
Specialty Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses generally low volume and high cost medicinal preparations to patients who are undergoing intensive therapies for illnesses that are generally chronic, complex and potentially life threatening. Often these therapies require specialized delivery and administration.
Long Term Care Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses medicinal preparations delivered to patients residing within an intermediate or skilled nursing facility, including intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, hospice, assisted living facilities, group homes, and other forms of congregate living arrangements.
Nuclear Pharmacy: A pharmacy dedicated to the compounding and dispensing of radioactive materials for use in nuclear imaging and nuclear medical procedures.