Pharmacies in Grand Prairie, Texas

43 Pharmacies found in Grand Prairie

Agrace Llc

833-224-7223 Pharmacy
721 W Tarrant Rd Ste 110, Grand Prairie, TX 75050-3445
833-224-7223     214-412-2405


Agrace Llc

833-224-7223 Long Term Care Pharmacy
721 W Tarrant Rd Ste 110, Grand Prairie, TX 75050-3445
833-224-7223     469-986-1180


Albertsons Llc

972-642-8888 Pharmacy   Medicare
215 N Carrier Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX 75050-5425
972-642-8888     972-642-9257


At Home Pharmacy Grand Prairie Lp

214-239-9106 Pharmacy
4927 Lake Ridge Pkwy Ste 180, Grand Prairie, TX 75052
214-239-9106     214-239-9107


Avatar Services, Inc

972-602-0539 Pharmacy
2129 S Great Southwest Pkwy, Suite # 304, Grand Prairie, TX 75051-3537
972-602-0539     972-602-1401


Carelonrx Pharmacy Inc.

833-396-0309 Mail Order Pharmacy
2505 N Hwy 360 Ste 200, Grand Prairie, TX 75050-7838


Carvajal Pharmacy Ltc

214-845-7333 Home Infusion Therapy Pharmacy
2100 Virginia St Ste I, Grand Prairie, TX 75051-3796


Cvs Pharmacy Inc

972-641-5744 Pharmacy   Medicare
810 W Pioneer Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX 75051-4708
972-641-5744     972-641-0204


Cvs Pharmacy Inc

469-348-2101 Pharmacy   Medicare
5270 S State Highway 360, Grand Prairie, TX 75052-8307


Cvs Pharmacy Inc

972-642-3910 Pharmacy   Medicare
4203 S Carrier Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX 75052-3203
972-642-3910     972-642-3740


Cvs Pharmacy Inc

972-264-2371 Pharmacy   Medicare
701 E Main St, Grand Prairie, TX 75050-5867
972-264-2371     972-642-4801


Cvs Pharmacy, Inc.

972-522-0395 Pharmacy   Medicare
5195 Lake Ridge Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX 75052-3098


Dallas County Mental Health & Mental Retardation Center

214-330-2424 Pharmacy
832 S Carrier Pkwy, Attn: Pharmacy, Grand Prairie, TX 75051-0942
214-330-2424     214-330-2422


East Pointe Pharmacy Services, Inc

972-647-8444 Pharmacy
2100 N Hwy 360, Suite # 1001, Grand Prairie, TX 75050-1009
972-647-8444     972-522-0444


Gibson Pharmacy

972-264-0268 Community/Retail Pharmacy
2505 S Carrier Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX 75052-5017
972-264-0268     972-262-1750


Harmison Pharmacies Lc

972-647-2721 Pharmacy
2701 Osler Dr, Ste 1, Grand Prairie, TX 75051-1064
972-647-2721     972-660-1239

Type of Pharmacies:
Specialty Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses generally low volume and high cost medicinal preparations to patients who are undergoing intensive therapies for illnesses that are generally chronic, complex and potentially life threatening. Often these therapies require specialized delivery and administration.
Long Term Care Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses medicinal preparations delivered to patients residing within an intermediate or skilled nursing facility, including intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, hospice, assisted living facilities, group homes, and other forms of congregate living arrangements.
Nuclear Pharmacy: A pharmacy dedicated to the compounding and dispensing of radioactive materials for use in nuclear imaging and nuclear medical procedures.