Pharmacies in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

21 Pharmacies found in Oak Ridge

Allied Specialty Pharmacy Llc

865-481-0000 Pharmacy
106 Administration Rd, Suite D, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6954


Allied Specialty Pharmacy, Llc

865-481-0000 Long Term Care Pharmacy
106 Administration Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6954
865-481-0000     865-481-0096


Ashapurakrupa, Inc

865-483-8429 Pharmacy
106 Administration Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6954
865-483-8429     865-483-5425


Genoa Healthcare Llc

865-272-6662 Pharmacy
240 W Tyrone Rd Ste A1, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6517
865-272-6662     865-482-1909


Jack W Greene, Dba

865-483-3007 Community/Retail Pharmacy
22 N Jefferson Cir, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-4805
865-483-3007     865-483-3071


K Va T Food Stores Inc

865-483-2889 Pharmacy   Medicare
1199 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6442
865-483-2889     865-483-3149


Kroger Limited Partnership I

865-294-0215 Pharmacy   Medicare
1550 Oak Ridge Tpke, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6205
865-294-0215     865-294-0219


Mac's Pharmacy Oak Ridge, Llc

865-298-8657 Pharmacy
45 New York Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
865-298-8657     865-298-8697


Mac's Pharmacy Oak Ridge, Llc

865-298-8657 Long Term Care Pharmacy
45 New York Ave, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6410


Munsey Enterprises

865-483-4829 Pharmacy
106 Administration Rd Ste 2, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6954
865-483-4829     865-483-5425


Munsey Enterprises

865-685-0026 Pharmacy
106 Administration Rd, Suite D, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6954
865-685-0026     865-483-5425


Munsey Enterprises Inc

865-483-8429 Long Term Care Pharmacy
106 Administration Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6954
865-483-8429     865-483-7070


Munsey Enterprises Inc

865-483-8429 Pharmacy   Medicare
106 Administration Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6954
865-483-8429     865-483-5425


Nhc Healthcare Oak Ridge

865-482-7698 Pharmacy
300 Laboratory Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6911
865-482-7698     865-482-2652


Oak Ridge Pharmacy

865-482-0345 Long Term Care Pharmacy
854 Main Street W, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6716
865-482-0345     865-482-8814


Oak Ridge Pharmacy

865-482-0345 Pharmacy
854 Main St W, Oak Ridge, TN 37830

Type of Pharmacies:
Specialty Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses generally low volume and high cost medicinal preparations to patients who are undergoing intensive therapies for illnesses that are generally chronic, complex and potentially life threatening. Often these therapies require specialized delivery and administration.
Long Term Care Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses medicinal preparations delivered to patients residing within an intermediate or skilled nursing facility, including intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, hospice, assisted living facilities, group homes, and other forms of congregate living arrangements.
Nuclear Pharmacy: A pharmacy dedicated to the compounding and dispensing of radioactive materials for use in nuclear imaging and nuclear medical procedures.