Pharmacies in Clarksdale, Mississippi

10 Pharmacies found in Clarksdale

3 Brothers Pharmacy Llc

662-934-9213 Community/Retail Pharmacy
645 Evelyn Ave, Clarksdale, MS 38614-5307
662-934-9213     662-592-5180


Clarksdale Pharmacy, Llc

662-627-0100 Specialty Pharmacy
425 Desoto Ave, Clarksdale, MS 38614-5214
662-627-0100     662-627-0102


Delta Health System

662-624-3165 Community/Retail Pharmacy
1970 Hospital Dr Ste 1, Clarksdale, MS 38614-7202


Kroger Limited Partnership I

662-627-3475 Pharmacy   Medicare
870 S State St, Clarksdale, MS 38614-4804
662-627-3475     662-627-3476


Medi Center Pharmacy

662-624-6561 Pharmacy
1629 N State St, Clarksdale, MS 38614-6617
662-624-6561     662-627-2845


Northwest Miss Regional Medical Center

662-627-3211 Community/Retail Pharmacy
1970 Hospital Dr, Clarksdale, MS 38614-7202


Shelby Drug Co Inc Hwy 61 South

662-624-2526 Community/Retail Pharmacy
549 Medical Dr, Clarksdale, MS 38614-6733
662-624-2526     662-624-2527


Wal-mart Stores East Lp

662-624-2523 Pharmacy   Medicare
1000 S State St, Clarksdale, MS 38614-4704


Waldrip Pharms Llc

662-627-0100 Pharmacy
425 Desoto Ave, Clarksdale, MS 38614-5214
662-627-0100     662-627-0102


Westgate Drugs Inc

662-627-7857 Pharmacy
1015 Lee Dr, Suite 11, Clarksdale, MS 38614-3698
662-627-7857     662-627-7225

Type of Pharmacies:
Specialty Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses generally low volume and high cost medicinal preparations to patients who are undergoing intensive therapies for illnesses that are generally chronic, complex and potentially life threatening. Often these therapies require specialized delivery and administration.
Long Term Care Pharmacy: A pharmacy that dispenses medicinal preparations delivered to patients residing within an intermediate or skilled nursing facility, including intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, hospice, assisted living facilities, group homes, and other forms of congregate living arrangements.
Nuclear Pharmacy: A pharmacy dedicated to the compounding and dispensing of radioactive materials for use in nuclear imaging and nuclear medical procedures.